Welcome Brother

The Online Men’s Circle is a monthly meeting of men seeking to deepen their relationship to life, love, purpose and success.

On this page you will find all relevant information for the online circle. Please read this page in full to familiarize yourself with the content, including most importantly the rules and agreements found below.
Thank you.

Over the course of these meetings, we will explore a number of embodied practices, using breath, movement, and physical posture to develop nervous system capacity, experience consciousness and develop a deeper sense of embodied presence.

We will also explore teachings related to the human experience and what it means to be a man in this world.

Lastly, each meeting will have room for 1 on 1 support in front of the room. Men can bring the things they are working with in their own lives and get feedback on the possibilities available to work various struggles.

Dates / Times / Info

The Dates:

Make sure to add these to your calendar.

May 28th - Intro Call
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
October 15th
November 12th
December 10th
January 21st
February 18th
March 10th
April 14th
May 12th

All Meetings take place: 7-9pm CST

The Zoom Link:



By far the most important piece: Don’.t take these calls while driving. Make sure you have a quiet and private space where you can engage in the practices, calls and conversations with other men in a way that upholds confidentiality and reverence for the work we will do here. You will be removed from a call if you are a distraction without warning.

Circle Rules and Agreements

You will hold each man with the respect and reverence he deserves. Topics will come up that may illicit judgement. You will clear your judgements and show up as an honorable man of the work.

You will arrive on time and stay for the duration of the call unless otherwise agreed upon.

You will be visible on screen and participate as if we are in physical space together. Anyone not on video will be removed unless discussed.

You will maintain strict confidentiality and not discuss anything that another man has shared without his express permission.

You will not share the names of any men in this circle.

You agree to participate and go all in during the meetings. Fully engaged in the practices and present with the conversations and participation segments.

Men among Men is how we shift our lives. We allow ourselves to be seen, heard and felt and by the very nature of being seen, we shift. This is how self-growth occurs. Growth becomes real when we make it so.